

Salesforce, Inc. is a famous American cloud-based software company that provides CRM services. Salesforce is a popular CRM tool for support, sales, and marketing teams worldwide.

Salesforce services allow businesses to use cloud technology to better connect with partners, customers, and potential customers. Using the Salesforce CRM, companies can track customer activity, market to customers, and many more services.

A CRM platform helps you go deeper with all your metrics and data; you could also set up a dashboard that showcases your data visually. In addition to this, you can also have personalized outreach with automation. Another significant benefit is that a CRM platform can also improve customer service's ability to help customers or a sales team's outreach efforts.

Salesforce Sales Cloud

Salesforce’s Sales Cloud is a tool provided by Salesforce especially designed for sales teams. It stores and presents all the information utilized just by the sales team in one single tool. It makes the tasks of the sales reps very easy by presenting all the information about leads, customers, and sales in a readable and usable form. Its price is on the basis of business size and needs. It can be easily integrated with other Salesforce Cloud platforms such as Marketing Cloud Service Cloud, Community Cloud, and Analytics Cloud. Some of its key features which helps sales reps are: